
GLO Whitening

Do you love your teeth, but you would love them even more if they were brighter? That’s where GLO Whitening comes in. GLO Whitening is a tooth bleaching option that allows you to significantly whiten your teeth in less than an hour at our office, and you can sign up for it even if you weren’t a braces or Invisalign patient with us!

One of our favorite parts about the GLO Whitening system is that in clinical studies, none of the patients who underwent the bleaching process experienced the sensitivity that is often found with other professional whitening systems. While these other professional in-office teeth bleaching options may provide a more drastic change in tooth color, we prefer GLO Whitening because it provides the perfect balance between achieving a significantly whiter smile while experiencing little to no discomfort. 

How does it work? GLO Whitening is a 2 step process: 

Glo Whitening
Glo Whitening

1. In-Office Whitening

While at-home bleaching kits can certainly brighten your smile, the percentage of the bleach you can purchase over the counter is significantly less than what we can use in a dental office under the supervision of a dentist, and what we can give you to use at home. That’s why an in-office GLO Whitening session can give you the pearly whites you’ve been wanting in less than an hour! 

“GLO” stands for “guided light optic” technology, which means that it uses light therapy to whiten your teeth, so there are no messy impressions. The heat helps activate the main whitening agent- hydrogen peroxide, while still being gentle enough to ensure no damage to the teeth occurs.

Glo Whitening
GLO Whitening

2. Take-home Whitening

After you’ve completed your in-office whitening session, we give you 5 prescription strength whitening syringes that you can continue to use at home to maintain your beautiful bright white smile results, as well as your own take-home light mouthpiece so you can accomplish your whitening in only 8 minutes every day!

**We also offer traditional custom bleaching trays with whitening syringes that do not require an in-office whitening appointment first, for those who would prefer to bleach solely from the comfort of their homes. 

The Best Orthodontics team. The orthodontist working with braces and invisalign in Concord, North Carolina. This is near Kannapolis, Charlotte, Harrisburg, and Huntersville.
The Best Orthodontics team. The orthodontist working with braces and invisalign in Concord, North Carolina. This is near Kannapolis, Charlotte, Harrisburg, and Huntersville.

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The first step towards acheiving the smile you’ve always wanted.